Let's face it.... sometimes life happens, and even brand-new tubs can get damaged during installation. Sometimes only after the purchase of a new home does it become apparent that there is a crack in the tub, sink, or shower. It can also happen that a tiny hairline crack in a tub can slowly get wider, and before we know it, there is water leaking onto the first floor, or into the crawlspace.

That is where Charlotte New Life Resurfacing can help!

Instead of ripping everything out, and re-installing new, most of the time, we are able to repair, and restore that damaged area. There is then the option to simply spot-spray the repaired area only, color-matching as best as possible, or a full resurface would ensure that the damaged area totally fades into insignificance!

The repair required depends on the size, width and severity of the crack or damaged portion. Normally a fiberglass mesh is used to cover the gap; fiber filler and other glazing fillers are used, to ensure a solid, smooth, and waterproof repair. This lands up being a very cost-effective solution.

See a few examples below of the before, and after, then let us know how we can help you!